As a sports photographer, I have the privilege of photographing the body's ability to do amazing things.

When I say that movement is beautiful, I mean it. When I say that all bodies are beautiful, I mean it.

Anyone who ever talks to me about sports photography knows that inevitably I'm going to starting talking about the way the body moves. Not only do I have an appreciation for our bodies ability, but I truly believe there is profound beauty in the bodies design.

In 12 years I've photographed a variety of sports and I still walk away from each event I photograph with an awe of appreciation when I get to witness what our bodies are capable of.

I'm the type of photographer who studied anatomy and physiology so I understood the optimum way muscle movement occurs. I wanted to be more than just another person photographing football on a Friday night or a volleyball game. I wanted people to see the bodies beauty in the way it moves, I wanted them to see what I see, beauty in ALL bodies.

It's true that you can't pose sports images like you can if you're photographing senior portraits or a wedding party, but you can learn how to select the best images. I've spent a lot of time studying the way muscles are designed to move and the way I select images is to ensure that is always highlighted in the photography I share with my clients and the world. I'm very good at it.

Timing is very important when it comes to sports photography, but I'd say knowing what highlights the body during that movement is even more important. Selection of images is so vital as a photographer. It's not just enough to photograph the sport. You have to feel it. Your images have to convey not only the sacrifice and work it takes for athletes to get to what ever level they are playing, but they also must show what the body is capable of.

There is one simple thought process that needs to happen when you are deciding which images you should choose...does this image show fluidity or does it show stagnancy of motion?

Here are a few examples...

Do you see the poetry in the body position in the fluid vs. the stagnant images? There IS a difference. The stagnant images were numerically right before the fluid ones. As a creator, you have to take the time to find the right body position when you are culling your images to ensure you are highlighting the body in the best position possible. It takes time, it takes thought, and most importantly, it takes care. Do you care enough about the athlete to make sure you are showing them at their best?

If you're struggling with this method, or think that you could use help learning this process, reach out. Mentorship's have helped my business and they can help yours too.

Take the time to relearn how you think about sports photography. Take the time to learn about the body positioning. After all, movement photography isn't about the sport itself, it's about the beauty in the bodies symphony of movement.