Anytime I visit a new place or go back to an area I haven't been to for a while, I fall in love all over again.
It's such a simple reminder that there is so much beauty in the world and it's also a reminder that often I forget how much beauty is right out my front door.
Earlier in November I was in NYC for 10 days and while I was there I kept thinking, "I could live here". I love the hustle of the city, the midtown experience, taking the subway, the architecture, and all the food the city has to offer.
I'm staying just outside of LA (Norco) for an extended weekend to watch my daughter play soccer and after finding a grapefruit tree in the backyard of my Airbnb I'm already thinking "I could live here...I need citrus fruit trees in my back yard".
I think often we take for granted the small simple beauties. I know many of us get so distracted with our regular day-to-day obligations that we often don't take the time to see, and feel, what is around us.
At this moment, I'm finding so much joy sitting in this cute little restored mid-century home looking outside at the beautiful flowers still in bloom and the variety of cacti.
I guess this is my reminder to you all to find a way to take the time to appreciate the many small beauties just outside your front door.
Although right now I can imagine myself buying a little house like this, with as many fruit trees as possible, I also know that too soon it'd become normal and I'd take it for granted.
Maybe that's my whole musing right now..reminding myself to stop taking the simple for granted.
However, I may need a reminder about enjoying what's around me the first time it gets to single digits in Iowa...or maybe it's time to have a winter home too.